Lyons Home Care

Not only do we have two great locations to provide your treatment needs, we also offer Home Care services if you are unable to drive. In order to qualify, you must be homebound after a motor vehicle accident. If you can drive to work, you can drive to an outpatient physical therapy clinic. As this service is exclusive to personal injury patients, Lyons Home Care works directly with your attorney and doctor to provide individualized one on one care in your home following a car accident or slip and fall. The majority of home health treatments arise after surgery. These surgeries include lumbar and cervical spine fusions, lumbar and cervical spine discectomy, shoulder and knee arthroscopy, and ankle surgeries.
Lyons Home Care includes physical therapy, nursing and occupational therapy for your post-operative needs and treatment following a car accident. We will typically treat for 2-4 weeks in your home until you can once again drive and get to one of our outpatient physical therapy clinics. Also, we provide you with durable medical equipment (DME) including walkers, TENS units, lumbar orthosis (braces), raised toilet seats and shower chairs. We can treat for issues following a brain injury, arm and leg fractures and surgery not allowing weight bearing on your legs. This service is limited to those suffering a severe injury following a motor vehicle accident and requires specialized skill and knowledge. Our staff combines for over 50 years clinical physical therapy experience, so we can provide the most up to date and specialized treatments in your home!